Auto-compare: comparison tool for main contractors

Instantly compare all document changes

Use Auto-compare's built-in intelligence to compare all revisions to documents and drawings in one go, instantly seeing where changes have been made. Get a granular view of changes with a side-by-side view of document revisions so that you are never caught with your pants down because of changes during tender.

Book your demonstration by contacting us via email at:


Over the last 15 years, tender information sent from clients has
become progressively worse...

As the quality of information has decreased,
the number of tender addendum has increased

How BidWork's Auto-compare tool helps you deal with poorer and poorer information and an increased number of changes at tender

Automatically spot changes in revisions with no extra work

Design teams often slip changes through without adding track changes or clouding up. Auto-compare revolutionises the comparison of documents, allowing you to compare all document revisions in one go – regardless of whether they are specifications or drawings.

Intelligent side by side view of documents

For a more granular comparison of documents, you can compare individual document revisions with our intelligent side by side view, which gives you an itemised change list. As you scroll to compare, both documents stay in synchronised.

Make it easy for your pricing supply chain to spot changes

From changes in trade bills to changes in drawings, if you use BidWork's Smart-enquiries then your pricing supply chain will also receive a single document, specific to their package, with all changes redlined.


Lets see BidWork's Auto-compare in action


Let our demonstration do the talking...

Schedule a demonstration with us and we'll show you how BidWork's Auto-compare helps you compare all revision changes in minutes regardless of file type.

Book your demonstration by contacting us via email at:

Discover other ways BidWork could help you

Extract BOQ items in minutes

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Send Smart-enquiries to the market

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